Saturday, January 3, 2015

December 2014

Where do I begin?  This month has been full of adventures.  Ronald did discover an unsolved mystery at our house much to his delight.  At Thanksgiving Marvin, some of his brother-in-laws(Danan, ?),and his friend Jake helped pull our pump out of the ground twice.  First time they put in a new pump, but that didn't keep it from pumping every hour, so the second time they replace all the wiring.  But it was still pumping every hour.  So Ronald decided after talking with Jerry Foote that there must be a leak in the pipe between the well house and our house.  He was figuring he would have to have a backhoe dig it all up next summer.  However, one day he got working with the iron filter and heard water trickling down a hose in the washer drain.  He came to realize there was something wrong with the Iron Filter and that was why the pump kept pumping every hour.  He would not have discover that if he had not been home from work  with his torn rotator cuff.
On December 18th we went back to see Dr. Paul Gurney(the Kinesiologist in Orem, Utah) after I got off work.  We left about 1:30 P.M. to go out there.  The nice thing is that now Ronald can drive some of the way.  Most of the other trips I had to drive both ways.  I got quite sleepy a few times since this fall we went after I got off work in the lunch kitchen at Roosevelt Jr. High.  On Dec. 18th Dr. Gurney recommended that Ronald do some physical therapy here in the basin, for a month, so that he could do more than what Dr. Gurney had assigned him to do.  He said he has frozen shoulder, so he needs more of a workout than Dr. Gurney could do only seeing him once a week.  The last few trips out we have had to watch for when the snow storms were coming and reschedule a couple of times.  But we have been blessed to have good roads to travel on.  Ronald was hoping to be back to work on January 5, 2015 because his sick leave runs out.  But he is not quite there yet.

The physical therapist (? Sealy) has been working with him since the week of Christmas.  He went in 2 different days before Christmas.  He has the motion in his arm he just doesn't have the strength to lift his arm up all the way above his head by himself.  So that is what they are giving him exercises for.